Monday, October 25, 2010

The times, they are a-changing. My practice is in the process of becoming a different type of practice, with prevention and personal care at its center. That's what I've always tried to do, but I have found a new practice model in which I can really focus on wellness and preventing the complications of illnesses.

MDVIP, a subsidiary of Procter and Gamble, allows physicians to work with a smaller number of patients, as a combination old-style family doc, health coach, and technical medical expert. I will be able to spend the time with each patient, and his or her individual problems, that is necessary to achieve the best results, both for healthy living and for the treatment of illnesses when they occur.

My practice size will decrease to less than 600 patients, from its current 3500-4000. Each patient will have a yearly physical examination that is extremely comprehensive. These are sometimes referred to as "executive physicals," but a better term would be a comprehensive assessment and annual health plan. We will work together to form goals and benchmarks for the coming year, and I will help each person to reach those goals as time passes.

In addition, since the practice is much smaller, visits will be on-time and as long as is needed. Each patient will have my cell number to reach me on evenings and weekends, with instructions to actually use the number when they need to talk to me. I won't be trading call on weekends anymore, so I will be the one to return the calls. Patients can expect to get in for problem visits the day they call, or the next day. One of my goals is for my patients to have no idea what an urgent care center looks like.

There are many other layers to this type of practice. I am very excited about starting. You can learn more about the practice at

The change in practice occurs on December 28, 2010. Call if you want to know more about the MDVIP practice.

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